Holiday Project: Bring items to Dec 9th Meeting
Posted almost 10 years ago by Susan Appel
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The Firehouse Shelter
Firehouse Shelter
P.O. Box 11722
Birmingham, AL 35202
Phone (205) 252-9571
Fax (205) 252-9578
Copyright © 2014 Firehouse Shelter
Shelter Items Needed:
- Canned goods: Fruit (large cans) Vegetables (large cans)
- Men's socks
- Men's underwear
- Men's gloves
- Men's blue jeans or Khaki Pants (all sizes)
- Men's coats
- Men's sweaters
- Men's hats
- Toiletries: Tooth pasteTooth Brushes Deodorant Soaps (small) Shampoos (small) Towels & Wash clothes
Permeant Housing Needs:
- Standing Floor lamps
- End tables
- Living room coach or chairs
- Kitchen table and chairs
- Twin mattress and/or box springs
- Twin Bed sheet sets
Transitional Housing Needs:
- Coffee Pots
- Coffee and coffee Cups
- Laundry and dish detergent
- 409, bleach, sponges, brooms, mobs, dust pans
- Laminated floor cleaner
- Bath and dish towels
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Feel free to contact Susan Appel
205-541-6778 with questions
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