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Excellent Support for the NP Role and Value in HIV/AIDS Care By a High Profile NP Advocate AND Physician Colleague

Posted about 13 years ago by Richard Brown

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Please read the attached editorial commentary about HIV/AIDS care which appeared in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases.  The editorial was written by Dr. Michael Saag who is an internationally renowned HIV/AIDS researcher and physician.  Dr. Saag remains a high profile NP advocate.  Please take particular note of the sections on Workforce and Conclusions.  Special thanks to Dr. Jim Raper who shared this article with us.  Dr. Saag is Jim's collaborating physician and is well-know for his advocacy for the NP role.  I have received written permission from Dr. Saag to publish this article to our website and to disseminate it widely.  Please feel free to share this with your colleagues.

Yours Truly,
