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Clinical Research Management Course at UAB Spring 2010

Posted over 15 years ago by Susan Appel

This announcement has 1 attachment:



For those of you interested in pursuing additional academic coursework in clinical research . . . .


A clinical research management course will be offered at UAB School of Nursing this Spring entitled:


CRM 670Q  Clinical Research Ethics, Methods and Clinical Trials (3 hrs).

(The course was offered last Spring 2009 as NUR 690).


Attached are the following documents that may help give you further information on this course, our Clinical Research Management courses at UAB School of Nursing and Instructions for course registration as a non-degree-seeking student.  Students wishing to enroll should have a baccalaureate degree.  Open to nurses and non-nurses.  Clinical research experience (optional but beneficial).


1.  Spring 2010 CRM 670 Course Flier

2.  Program of Studies for CRM Courses

3.  Instructions for Enrollment as a Non-Degree-Seeking Student OR as an MSN student.


I hope that you will consider enrolling in this course.  During 2009 we achieved an enrollment of about a dozen students per course who were either working in clinical research or had interest in pursuing a clinical research career.  Feedback from all students has been exceptionally positive.  All courses are offered as asynchronous distance-learning (internet-based) courses and can be achieved during your own spare time.  Students may take individual courses or all 18 credits in CRM for a Post-BS Certificate (pending final UAB approvals in 2010).  Also, students may take courses as graduate electives or for an MSN in Clinical Research Management through UAB SON Individualized Study Option.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Carolynn Jones


Carolynn Thomas Jones, MSPH, RN

Faculty Instructor

Clinical Research Management Courses

UAB School of Nursing






Process of enrolling in CRM courses as Non-Degree-Seeking - - - - from interested students (Certificate and Certificate Application available in Spring 2010 pending final UAB approvals).


  1. Go to  -  Future Students.  Graduate Students.
  2. Apply for graduate school online.
  3. Create an account (PIN and PASSWORD).
  4. Do not click on the “Certificate of Teaching Nursing” URL at the bottom of this page- it takes you to SON website for other applications (not applicable at this time).
  5. Click on Graduate, Non-Degree Seeking Status
  6. Go through Application Instructions and all the fields (on left side of screen)
  7. You will receive a form from UAB School of Nursing which will need to be completed and sent in.
  8. Then you will receive approval to register for classes (note- registration will occur after regularly scheduled registration for degree-seeking students).


Process of enrolling in CRM program as MSN Individualized Option student.


  1. Go to - Future Students.  Graduate Students.
  2. Apply for graduate school online.
  3. Create and account (PIN and PASSWORD).
  4. Click on Graduate, Degree-Seeking Status.
  5. Complete application indicating MSN options.
  6. You will be contacted by SON with forms, interview appointments.
  7. MSN Individualized Option Faculty Contact is Dr. Elizabeth Stullenbarger.



Individuals already in the system as a UAB graduate student may register for CRM courses (CRM 670, 671 and 671).  Note that CRM 673 and 674 have prerequisites.


Students may only transfer 12 hrs to a graduate program. CRM non-degree-seeking must discern application to MSN Individualized option prior to exceeding 12 hours.