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Dues are Due

Posted almost 11 years ago by Timiya Nolan

Hello CANPA members,

As Membership Chairperson, I would like to remind you that annual dues of $25.00 are due this month (January). Checks should be made payable to Central Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association. You may send your check to the P.O. box or arrange for hand-delivery to my office in room 1020P of the UAB School of Nursing. For hand-delivery, please call my office (205) 996-9459 to ensure that I will be in upon your arrival.

Central Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association
P.O. Box 55684
Birmingham, AL 35255

For more information about how your dues are used, please see the bylaws and meeting minutes.

Timiya Nolan, Membership Chairperson
1720 2nd Ave S, NB 1020P
Birmingham, AL 35294-1210
(205) 996-9459