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Signatures and Contact Info

Posted almost 11 years ago by Ashton Tureaud Strachan, DNP, FNP-C, WHNP-BC, APRN

At our last meeting on Tuesday December 10 there was a discrepancy on the sign in sheets. The pharma company is missing three signatures and has a very strict reporting policy. Please see the message below I am unable to email these people directly:

I am helping Catherine close this program out. I am missing some info. According to the list that Brenda sent out the following three people did not sign in. I have to get their info and signatures. The easiest way to do this would be fax. Could you provide me with contact info for them.
Thank you for your help with this matter.

Skip Davis

We are missing:
Jill Cunningham
Katie Ciarletta
Deanna Staires

If you could please contact Skip Davis at 205-901-2225 as soon as possible, that would be great!