CANPA Monthly Meeting RSVP and Attendance
Posted almost 14 years ago by Brenda Iddins
Many of you RSVP'd for the April CANPA meeting. Only a few actually attended the wonderful presentation on smoking cessation provided by Linda Powell. One or two people who couldn't attend sent that information via the "contact us" link.
In the future, if you cannot attend a CANPA meeting which you RSVP for, please take yourself off the RSVP list. You should have always been able to use this function. If you have tried to use this function in the recent past and it DID NOT work for you to "un"-RSVP then please do contact us about that. If you have never tried to "un"-RSVP and need to that in the future please try that first rather than contacting the website. The RSVP list goes to the person responsible for ordering the number of required meals. If you "un"-RSVP, that email also goes to the person handling food requirements. If you "contact us" that goes to the webmaster and then eventually to me but I do not always receive the information from these emails in a timely manner. If we are all aware of this function on the website for these meetings it is my sincere hope that we will never again have more than 40 extra meals ordered for people who RSVP'd and didn't attend the meeting/cancel their RSVPs.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter,
Brenda W. Iddins, MSN, FNP-BC