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10 Great Reasons to Register for CANPA CEU Day: 2-6-16

Posted over 8 years ago by Susan Appel

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10 Great Reasons to Register for CANPA CEU Day: 2-6-16

  1. Themed general sessions: Managing Cardiometabolic Risk across the lifespan.
  2. Choice of several concurrent sessions.
  3. Earn 9.4 CEUs (of which up to 3.3 can be pharmacology).
  4. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments during breaks are included.
  5. Celebrate the inaugural presentations of the Scholarship and Travel Awards to members.
  6. Participate in Business Meeting.
  7. Legislative Updates
  8. Program book of presenter's slides included.
  9. Fellowship with NPs
  10. Atherotech has offered to draw complementary VAP+Lipids Profiles on all conference participants.

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